5 May 2010

The Heathkit Lunchbox on 75m AM

K6KWQ has just built a Small Wonders Lab "Retro-75" QRP AM transceiver kit into an old Heathkit HW30 (Lunchbox) case. The Retro-75 puts out 2.5W AM on 80/75m and is a nice way of getting back on AM on the band. AM is quite popular in the UK with stations active around 3615kHz.  Dick has made a very neat job of re-labelling the old Heathkit box so it looks like a genuine Heathkit rig, but for 75m AM.


  1. Hello Roger

    I worked with G4FJB John Dodd
    John built a DSB 160 in a Benton bay
    Lunch box case. Also Frank Flanner G3AVE
    converted a PYE Cambrigde into 40 Meter

    KR Tony

  2. Tony,

    Don't suppose G4FJB has any photos of this? Sounds a great idea.

    73s Roger

  3. Roger

    It was way back in the late 1980's.
    I don't know if John is still active. The last time I worked him
    on the air was around the early 1990's.


  4. Hello Tony

    I think we may know each other,are you living in the Quinton area.


  5. Hello John

    Nice to hear from you are you still into QRP.
    I am still leaving in Quinton.
    Are you still living in Olton?
    We will have to arrange a sled on two
    KR Tony G4LLW

  6. Hello John

    I am still living in Quinton
    Are you still living in Olton?
    We will have to arrange a sled on Two Meters
    Have a nice Christmas

    73 Tony G4LLW

  7. Hello John

    I am still living in Quinton
    Are you still living in Olton?
    We will have to arrange a sled
    on Two Meters.
    Have a nice christmas

    73 Tony G4LLW

  8. Hello Tony

    Thanks to Roger,for use of his blog.Very nice to hear from you again after so many years,at the same location.Yes,interested in QRP operation,the DSB 160 is still in the Lunch Box.Mainly active on 40&10m with 5-10w of AM these days.

    Happy new year to you and your family,expect they are grown up now.
    73s John G4FJB

  9. Thank you Roger for letting us use your
    Blog. My kids have been to university and both have
    Degrees. I still have the KW160 and DAC90 still going strong. AM operationon on 40m &10m is growing in popularity
    and I am tempted to have a go myself, my email address
    Is g4llw2003@yahoo.com

    Have a happy new year
    Tony G4LLW
