At 1845z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. It is now 1852z. Already 5 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 2245z: 11 stations spotted me this evening with the furthermost being GI6ATZ (479km). Now QRT.
Simple QRP projects, 10m, 8m, 6m, 4m, FT8, 160m, WSPR, LF/MF, sub-9kHz, nanowaves and other random stuff, some not related to amateur radio.
At 1845z, I QSYed to 2m FT8 with 2.5W and the big-wheel omni antenna. It is now 1852z. Already 5 stations have spotted me.
UPDATE 2245z: 11 stations spotted me this evening with the furthermost being GI6ATZ (479km). Now QRT.
As I write (1030z Saturday) the head of the UK and EU are going to speak on the 'phone and as yet there is no BREXIT trade deal, even though to have one is in everyone's interest.
I suspect there is brinkmanship on both sides. In these last few weeks, I think these children should throw away their toys and behave as grown-ups if this is possible. We all know that is what is best.
Go on, get a mutually good deal that all can sell as a success.
UPDATE 1848z: Talks to continue on Sunday.
You will be pleased to know that OFCOM is considering its strategy for the radio spectrum in the years ahead. It is navel gazing about the future. Sorry, "vision". See the OFCOM website.
It is now 0950z. At about 0915z I turned on 15m FT8 RX. So far today, 67 stations in Asia and Europe spotted. Still using the FT817ND and the tiny loop on the shack windowsill.
I find it incredible that some stations are so strong. One Ukrainian station was +2dB S/N even with the tiny loop!
UPDATE 1005z: So far today, 81 stations have been spotted on 15m FT8 RX.
UPDATE 1128z: 134 stations spotted so far today on 15m FT8 RX with the tiny indoor loop and FT817ND in 4 continents.
UPDATE 1453z: 256 stations in 6 continents spotted on 15m FT8 RX so far today.
15m seems quiet now, so I have QSYed. Since about 1815z I have been on 2m FT8 RX. So far this evening, just 1 station in Belgium spotted.
UPDATE 1938z: So far today, 4 stations spotted with furthermost spotted being G7RAU (461km).
UPDATE 1944z: TX (2.5W to the big-wheel omni antenna) turned on. 2 stations have spotted me so far.
Just now, I had to go to the local post office to do 3 things (1) post a card, (2) post a parcel, (3) buy some stamps.
It was cold and wet and there was a big queue outside because of Covid-19. Stamps are expensive these days!
It is definitely winter.
To those unfamiliar with this, the main PCB is supplied assembled and tested. This is assembled by a women's co-operative in India. The kit consists of putting the assembled PCB in the case and the various wiring harnesses that connect the things up. It was designed by Ashhar Farhan VU2ESE and is a model of a simple but effective design. It is available for $200. I am unsure what happens about VAT and duty.
These are some more images of Cambridge. The top picture is of the round church of which there are very few in the UK. When I first came t...