2 Aug 2017

Old friends - NOT amateur radio

We got a surprise visit from some old friends who moved from our village to the Cotswolds some years ago. They just turned up in their camper van. They stayed for a cup of tea and came back for lunch the next day. The photo was taken as they left. It was good to see them.

Where I was born - NOT amateur radio

It is fun to say I was born in a grand stately home, but I was! After WW2 Flete House was a nursing home. In another age, I would have been born in a very modest place.

I am pretty sure I've posted this before, but it is fun to pretend I was born of nobility. 😏

20m FT8 RX overnight

Well, as an experiment I stayed on 20m FT8 overnight. There is a big take-up in the USA and Europe of this new mode. I lost count of the USA stations spotted using 20m FT8, but it was at least 21. In the other direction Kuwait and all over Europe were spotted. There is little doubt this will become the de facto digital mode for QSOs, especially on 20m.

It is a pity there is not a WSPR mode with a shorter period, maybe 30 secs. Several brief openings are missed on WSPR and WSPR is an ideal beaconing mode.

UPDATE 1708z: JA1BOQ (9484km) is currently the best DX on 20m FT8 RX.

2m UKAC activity contest last night

Last night was the August 2m UKAC activity contest organised by the RSGB.  Best DX was 182km, although I was on for less than an hour with just 5W and a big-wheel omni antenna.

As before, if I had been able to stay on longer, I'd have worked several more squares and stations. Sadly, my stroke affected voice said, "stop".
Stations worked last night in the contest.

Sunspots - Wednesday August 2nd 2017

Solar flux is 73 today and the sunspot number 0. A=6 and K=1.

1 Aug 2017

Visits - NOT amateur radio

Even without the regular trawling by our Eastern European "friends", visits to this blog are way up. All I hope is that the content is enjoyed. I enjoy doing it, as it does not involve my poor voice. Usually, the content is pretty mixed. Mostly, but not exclusively, it is amateur radio related.

Swifts - NOT amateur radio

So, the swifts have nearly gone until next year. I heard some screaming this morning and saw one this evening, but already they are moving south to warmer climes.

Most swifts have gone by mid-August although swallows are often seen much later.

With swifts you just realise they are no longer here. Sad, but they will be back. To me, the screaming swifts are a mark of an English summer.

10m FT8

As of about 15 minutes ago, I am now on 10m FT8. After a brief period on TX, I am now on RX only. Sadly, no spots given or received so far.

UPDATE 1848z: Just M1CVJ (327km) spotted so far. This is too near for Es and too far for tropo, so could be aircraft reflection? This station is in North Devon in IO71 square.

QRT - storm risk

The latest weather forecast show the greatest storm risk here is now 1300-1400z, so I have decided to go QRT and disconnect everything including rigs, PC, antennas and mains plugs. I may be back on later after the storm risk has passed. Already, the wind is blowing. Bad weather is coming.

See https://www.lightningmaps.org/blitzortung/europe/index.php?lang=en .

UPDATE 1524z: So, the storms never came and there are no storms forecast. Shortly I shall reconnect things and start TXing again.

OFCOM monthly update - August 2017

Every month OFCOM produces an update.

See http://ofcom.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/i/CF2593BB1808A8092540EF23F30FEDED/59D1BD3EA2F08127C67FD2F38AC4859C