19 Sept 2014

JT65, JT9-1 and WSPR

After brief outings on 10m and 20m JT65 and JT9-1 (nothing worked but W and LU seen on 20m JT65) I returned to 10m WSPR. I changed power to 500mW on 10m WSPR and was spotted by local G0LRD and 4X1RF. For now I have settled on 1W WSPR and 4X1RF,  G0LRD,  DK6UG and DK8FT are all copying this level just fine so far.  I think the DKs were by Es, although I think the 4X is F2 propagation. So  far today, 4X1RF has spotted me 8 times at output powers between 2W and 500mW.

10m WSPR wakes up

Just when I was about to write off 10m WSPR, it springs into life with spots from CT1JTQ (1843km) and 4X1RF (3519km) - the latter 4 times already by 1008z.  10m continues to be a band filled with surprises, quite unlike other HF bands.

By the way, outside the sun is trying to shine too.

Dinky Toys Club

A blast from the past...

Dinky Toys Club.

My brother sent me this certificate of mine in the post.  To be honest I don't remember joining! I was more into Matchbox Toys. These used to be 1s 6d  and came in packets like large matchboxes.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinky_Toys .

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matchbox_%28brand%29 .

Stroke frustrations

Although I can manage digital modes like WSPR, JT65 and JT9-1 OK, I find speech modes very hard work at present: my voice is hard to understand and tires easily. I make errors writing the blogs (usually corrected)  and am clumsy with almost all electronics building work, so the experimental field and bench work I enjoy are, for now, on hold.

By the end of August I was hoping to feel almost no giddiness, but a twice daily 366m walk makes me feel wobbly still. I am told this will eventually go. It can't happen soon enough. Improvements are happening but all too slowly.

To be honest, my stroke, a year on now, is getting me down.  There is so much I want to do but cannot.  It is hard on my wife, children and grandchildren.

10m WSPR - a different day ahead?

Having turned on 10m WSPR about 15 minutes ago, it looks like conditions today are quite different. No DX at all coming through yet, just G0LRD (25km) away spotting me.
Sunspot count is 75 (disturbed) and 20-30MHz propagation is forecast to be "poor". It feels poor although a look on WSPRnet shows some impressive DX into Europe. Maybe it is just a blip?

 Even the weather has changed! Outside it looks wet and autumnal for the first time.  Summer is ended.

Maybe I should try JT65 or JT9-1 on 10m or 20m today?

18 Sept 2014

10m still WIDE open to the USA at 2100z

At 2104z I am still spotting loads of USA stations on 10m WSPR. It is likely the opening will go on for a while yet. This is F layer propagation and not Es. Today has been another excellent day on 10m.hrs

UPDATE 2230z:  No DX on 10m for almost 1.5hrs. Time to go to QRT and to bed - early start tomorrow to see how Scotland voted.

Low cost earth-mode beacons?

G1KQH has found some very low cost TDA2003 ICs.  I use one of these in my VLF beacon shown in my RSGB RadCom article and on my website. Best range is just short of 6km by "utilities assisted" earth-mode.  When fitter again (currently I am not allowed to drive and I am still too clumsy when on my feet and moving because of my brain bleed last year) I intend to continue my VLF experiments. I have used these ICs at 8.97kHz, twice, and sub-multiples of that frequency.  Beyond 20kHz would be outside their spec limits, but they may still work?
G3XBM 5W VLFearth-mode CW/QRSS beacon
Evening Roger,
Used in your LF PA 10p each nuts!
Or you can buy in 10s @ 16p each inc delivery!
Banggood sounds Chinese. I have no idea if these are genuine parts or not. They are advertised as 10W car radio audio parts.

10m - wide open

Loads of USA stations are spotting me, or being spotted, on 10m WSPR. Conditions on the band have been excellent again today. Forecasts for October 2014 are also very good. Enjoy the excellent conditions as a year or two from now it will be much harder going, although with WSPR DX reports should still be possible in the N-S direction.

UPDATE 1830z: Plenty of USA spots still. 4X1RF (3519km) has spotted me 25 times today so far since breakfast time.

Neglecting 630m

With good conditions on 10m, I have been neglecting 472kHz (630m) of late. On MF I run, as you know, 5mW ERP only whereas on 10m this is 2W.

I may go back onto MF this evening as 10m is becoming almost predictable of late. I am told (by G3WKW) that there are far more 10m stations on JT65 than on WSPR. It is certainly true that one does see the same stations again and again on WSPR. At least with WSPR I can set it running and monitor results on the PC in the lounge. This cannot be done so easily with JT65 or JT9-1 where you really have to be "on-hand" to answer calls. With my stroke, I find WSPR suits me well right now.


Sunspot count today is 91 and 20-30MHz propagation described as "normal".  Judging by 10m WSPR results I translate this to be very good. Certainly 10m conditions (using WSPR at least) are as good as I remember. Cycle 24 has a lot of kick in it still.